Commercial Credit Checks

Once we have researched all the data that we were provided, we would give you a report on our findings. To open a Commercial Credit Check account with A.R.M. & Associates, Inc., please do not hesitate to give us a call.

We offer our clients commercial credit checks for a fee of $65.00 per credit check.

We call and verify credit history with the references that your potential client provides. Additionally, we verify bank account balances and banking history with the company’s financial institution.

Once we have obtained the information that we need from your potential clients credit application, we then take the information against our own data base. Our data base is filled with well over a million companies nationwide giving us the up to date information we need.

We have access to the top consumer and commercial credit bureaus and private firms. Additionally, we verify that your potential client is providing correct information regarding its legal entity status.

In many cases we have found that an applicant who lists themselves as a Corporation or L.L.C. is not registered with the state that they are doing business in. This creates a (DBA) "Doing Business As" which necessitates a need for collecting personal information to determine credit worthiness. This creates personal liability.Once we have researched all the data that we were provided, we would give you a report on our findings.

To open a Commercial Credit Check account with A.R.M. & Associates, Inc., please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Our Fees are 15% - 35% depending on the size and age of the claim.



A.R.M. & Associates, Inc. offers a full-service, intensive collection program for recovering past-due accounts from businesses and individuals who have not responded to your request(s) for payment. This program involves the use of trained/certified collection professionals, effective letters, experienced skip tracers and more.  Our collection program offers you an opportunity to maximize your collections without litigation.

A.R.M. & Associates, Inc.

1275 W. Roosevelt Road, #111
West Chicago, IL 60185

Toll Free (866) 701-4868
(630) 439-1022
Fax: (630) 473-4701

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